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Discussion in 'Baccarat Forum' started by varmenti, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Viewing Forum: Premium Members Only Discussion Baccarat and Blackjack. Just now Guest Viewing Topic: Shoe Selection Tips. Just now Guest 7 minutes ago.
  2. Beat The Casino is fine if you want to learn how to tackle Baccarat. But even if some members share and others only brag so is it very much up to you to solve the puzzle. Will not mention any names, but some members have been there for several years and can still not master the skill to flat betting.

It is a skill game, the skill is finding your strategy to beat the game. Their was a poster a while back, had a family to support and finding hard to get a job decided to try to make some money at the casino playing baccarat. He settled on the strategy he wanted to play and was very successful and happy. So happy he posted his strategy on this.


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Norm Allen Baccarat

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  4. Discussions in this section are assumed to be EV- as they are outside of the Advantage Play section. For EV+ discussions, please visit the Advantage Play sub-forum.
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Discussion in 'Baccarat Forum' started by varmenti, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Viewing Forum: Premium Members Only Discussion Baccarat and Blackjack. Just now Guest Viewing Topic: Shoe Selection Tips. Just now Guest 7 minutes ago.
  2. Beat The Casino is fine if you want to learn how to tackle Baccarat. But even if some members share and others only brag so is it very much up to you to solve the puzzle. Will not mention any names, but some members have been there for several years and can still not master the skill to flat betting.

It is a skill game, the skill is finding your strategy to beat the game. Their was a poster a while back, had a family to support and finding hard to get a job decided to try to make some money at the casino playing baccarat. He settled on the strategy he wanted to play and was very successful and happy. So happy he posted his strategy on this.


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Norm Allen Baccarat

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